Please note that in Timed Auctions, absentee bids cannot be retracted less than 2 hours prior to the listed auction start time; in Timed+ auctions, bids cannot be retracted less than 24 hours prior to the lot's designated end time.
How to retract a bid
1. Log onto your LiveAuctioneers account and navigate to "My Items" (located in the upper right quadrant).
2. Select the ' My Bids' link, find the item you wish to retract your bid on, and move your cursor over the item so the three dots will appear.
3. Select the three dots and then click the 'Retract Bid' option in the drop-down. Then follow the steps in the pop-up window to retract your bid.
How to retract a bid on LiveAuctioneers App
1. Go to 'My Bids' which can be located at the bottom toolbar
2. Click the three dots and then 'Retract Bid'
3. Once you click Retract Bid and it has been processed, you will be released from that bid.