When searching on LiveAuctioneers.com, you can place advanced searches by using search modifiers and operators.
Searching by Exact Phrase
If you'd like to search for items that contain an exact phrase in the item title or description, place quotations around your search:
- "tibetan gilt bronze"
- "19th century painting"
Excluding Keywords
If you'd like to exclude items that contain a certain keyword in the item title or description, add a minus sign before the keyword to exclude.
- watches -pocket
- paintings -"style of"
- print -japanese -woodblock
Combining Results
If you have a few search terms in mind, and you'd like to search for items that match at least one, use the OR boolean operator.
- chinese OR indian
- song OR han OR jin
Combining Operators & Modifiers
You can combine the above operators and modifiers. When using ORs with other modifiers, place parentheses around terms.
- (song OR han OR jin) -vase -bowl
- ("tibetan gilt bronze" OR "tibetan bronze") -ming